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Special Offer for Webinar Registrants Expires Soon!!!

Register for CEOX and Get these one-time bonuses:

  • FREE access to Membership Resources within until May 20th.
  • Access to 1 Free Online Course in Sales or Marketing!

Attending CEO Exchange can already give you 10x return on investment, but this added value is worth an additional $1,600, just for signing up by Friday. You will leave this event with actionable items to immediately improve your team, your profits, your processes, and increase your free-time.

Join Us For Epic!
May 18-19, 2021, Irving, TX

As a leader, we know the stress of trying to build your family business. Unanswered questions and nagging frustrations can take their toll on you every day.

What if there was a way to get away, discover new solutions, and get energized to implement the fresh ideas your Petro family business needs to grow?

The CEO Exchange is that place.

Gain expert petro insights

CEOX is a great opportunity to get the current pulse of the Petro industry and learn what other marketers are doing, gain new ideas, and leave with actionable answers to your most challenging questions.

market knowledge

Get new strategies for this current market with a detailed economic forecast


Surround yourself with a talented group of Petro leaders who are growing their businesses

Bill Gallagher
Offen Petroleum

This event is a fuel industry “major” – one event that I go out of my way to attend every year. From the speakers to the other attendees to the round table discussions, I return home with concrete action items that have helped me drive Offen’s culture and bottom line. CEOX was my first exposure to many of the ideas and tools Offen has used to grow our business more than 10x to over a billion gallons.

Tuesday to Wednesday May 18  to May 19
Four Seasons Resort,
Irving, TX

Meridian Associates Inc. is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its website:

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