Solve challenges, strengthen your team, expand your network

This year’s Focus On Competitive Advantage is all about elevating your family business. It’s time to take things to the next level, and this event will get you there! Bring the entire team to maximize goal alignment, communication, and renewed passion!
We will help you elevate these aspects of your business:
Your team is everything. Establishing efficient processes, effective communication, and eliminating drama will keep your team fulfilled and productive. We will look at your organizational structure, interpersonal relationships, and “right person – right position” matching to elevate your team to the next level.
Your team won’t be passionate if you aren’t. As an owner/leader your passion for the business must be unmatched and infectious. Let’s renew your passion and inspire your team.
It’s not ALL about the money, but the money is important and every family business wants to maximize profits. There’s a lot of “economy concern” right now, and we will address these issues and help you plan wisely for the future of your family business.
Arthur Greeno: Owner/Operator of multiple Chick-fil-A restaurants, World record holder, Amazon best-selling author, Husband, Father of six, Mentor, Speaker, and Coach.
Coming from a broken home, Arthur endured hardships in his family financially, as well as emotionally. As a man of faith his story of overcoming adversity is amazing, to a point where his motto is now to teach, inspire, and serve.
Arthur has been involved with Chick-fil-A, a family-owned business, for a total of 34 years with 30 of those years as an owner. Going from running a small store to being a multi-store owner was not easy, but creative community outreach, dedication to culture, faith, and more than a little stubbornness allowed him to achieve much over that time. Arthur also has two of his six children working with him.
Arthur is asked to speak all over the nation due to his success with leadership, inspiration and drive. Chick-fil-A’s forefront of customer service is to serve, and Arthur trains his team to do just that. Serve them first and then serve them Chikin! Teaching his team and others about how to HONOR their guests is an integral part of his business model.

Hector Monsegur: Internationally recognized expert on global cyber security issues.
Have you been hacked yet? If you think family businesses won’t get targeted…thing again. If you want to learn how to secure your business from hackers, who better to learn from than a former black hat hacker? But you probably don’t know any hackers…
Good news! Back by popular demand, Hector Monsegur will be joining us at the year’s Focus On Competitive Advantage event (FOCA)! Hector is a former black hat hacker, turned FBI white hat, and now works for one of the country’s foremost cyber security firms. We first met Hector on a Fox News segment and were fascinated by his story and experience.
We brought him to FOCA for the first time in 2021, and after a super useful and intriguing session last year, Hector is returning! This year’s session is a Q&A format, giving you direct access to the answers you need to protect your family business! He will open your eyes to vulnerabilities you didn’t know you had, and more importantly, discuss how family businesses can protect their systems and infrastructure more robustly.

FOCA Agenda
- 3 Days of Powerful Sessions and Workshops
- Multiple Networking Opportunities
- All meals
- Entertainment
- Guaranteed ROI or your money back!

“Enjoyed each day of the event. It was very informative, helpful, and motivational. Really enjoyed the fellowship with other companies.”

“The Meridian team is amazing. They are passionate, energized, and caring. Also, the other family businesses were great to work and share with.”

“The amount of knowledge that gathers here is incredible. If you are looking to grow your productivity, revenue, profitability, and your business as a whole, this is the place to be!”

“I appreciate being able to hear my company’s thoughts throughout the program. It’s encouraging to be in alignment.”

“Best networking conference I have ever attended. Awesome event. I’ll be back next year.”

“I personally gain more with each Meridian event I attend. Always new information to take in. I have learned to never think something doesn’t pertain to me because you never know!”

“Meridian helps us develop relationships within our company and helps us make decisions to improve our company operations.”

Meridian Associates Inc. is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its website: